Last issue

J. Vuillerod, et al., Recensions (décembre 2024), BAP 20 (2024), 2. Voir

The BULLETIN D'ANALYSE PHENOMENOLOGIQUE (BAP, Bull. anal. phén.) is a wholly open-access (Diamond OA) and double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal of philosophical phenomenology, issued by the Centre de recherches phénoménologiques (Creph) at the University of Liège. Issues are published continuously (non-periodically) and collected in annual volumes. The purpose of the review is to promote phenomenological research by publishing original papers in any field related to philosophical phenomenology.

BAP includes two separate series: a book review series devoted to reviewing recent literature in the field of phenomenological philosophy, and a proceedings series devoted to the publication of conference and research seminar proceedings.

All issues are freely available in PDF format via the PoPuPS platform.



G. Cormann. B. Leclercq.

Editorial Board

A. Dewalque. J. Englebert. C. Gauvry. M. Hagelstein. D. Seron.

Book Review Editor

R. Rizzo.

Advisory Board

F. Boccaccini (Universidade de Brasília). R. Breeur (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). F. Caeymaex (univ. de Liège). M. Dupuis (Univ. catholique de Louvain). R. Gély (Univ. St-Louis à Bruxelles). D. Giovannangeli (univ. de Liège). M. Gyemant (Archives Husserl de Paris). G. Jean (univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis). S. Laoureux (univ. de Namur). P. Limido (univ. de Rennes 2). A. Mazzú (Univ. libre de Bruxelles). J. Melançon (University of Regina, Canada). N. Monseu (univ. de Namur). L. Perreau (univ. de Franche-Comté, Archives Husserl de Paris). D. Popa (Villanova University, USA). D. Pradelle (univ. de Paris 4 Sorbonne). P. Reynaert (Universiteit Antwerpen). S. Richard (univ. libre de Bruxelles). R. Steinmetz (univ. de Liège).

Licence Creative Commons
BAP is published in open-access under the terms and conditions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.

DOI Digital Object Identifier Open Access Peer-reviewed
ISSN: 1782-2041
LC: 2009253056
OCLC: (OCoLC)243561209
ZDB: 2206334-1
Google Scholar
Index Discovery Primo Central (Ex Libris ProQuest)
International Philosophical Bibliography (IPB)
Knowledge bases:
A-to-Z (EBSCO)
SFX KB (Ex Libris ProQuest)
Alma Community Zone (Ex Libris ProQuest)
360Link (ProQuest)

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Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique